Media release — Not only is everyone talking about Avengers VS X-Men, the comic book event of 2012, but it’s also the holiday season—and that implies it’s the ideal time for the most exciting digital comics sale ever! From December 21st (at 12:01am EST) to December 30th (at 11:00PM EST), experience the AVENGERS VS X-MEN: major players sale on the marvel Comics app, featuring some of the most essential stories in comics history for only 99 cents per issue!
The world’s greatest very heroes—Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Spider-Man, Wolverine and more—go to war with each other in 2012, but now’s your chance to learn all about the Avengers and the X-Men before the first punch is thrown!
Don’t miss a single issue of the Avengers VS X-Men major players Sale, including:
Amazing Spider-Man #546-601
Astonishing X-Men #1-24 and Astonishing X-Men huge size #1
Captain America #1-24
Invincible Iron man #1-24
New Avengers #1-25
Thor #1-12, #600-603 and Thor Finale
Wolverine: weapon X #1-16
But remember, this is a limited time offer—it all ends on December 30th! So terminate up the marvel Comics app best now to take advantage of the Avengers VS X-Men major players Sale!
Which team will reign supreme? join the conversation on Twitter with #AvX!
For exclusive Avengers VS X-Men desktop wallpapers check out
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