Comics publisher Scott Dunbier has come up with a stunning initiative. faced with the horror experienced as a result of the war, the publisher has created the Comics For Ukraine movement. After observing the horror being experienced due to Russia’s assault on Ukraine, Dunbier made a decision to take action. The respected IDW publishing editor contacted some of the best comic book creators to create an anthology book and earmark the proceeds for humanitarian relief. 

Thus was born Comics For Ukraine: Sunflower Seeds, a 96-page tome packed with artistic stories available to people who want to participate in the crowdfunding that went live yesterday, April 19th. 

The main goal of Comics For Ukraine

(Image: Comics For Ukraine)


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As stated by Dunbier, “The comics community is full of good and caring people who have stepped forward to say ‘I stand with Ukraine’ and contribute to this book.” Comics for Ukraine: Sunflower Seeds features “an extraordinary roster of comics talent united under the mission of supplying aid to war-torn Ukraine, which has been under attack from neighboring Russia considering that late February.”

The publisher has explained that the comic book’s title for Ukraine came inspired by a rather poignant event. during the early days of the war, a Ukrainian woman used sunflower seeds to a Russian soldier to put in his pocket so that when he died, at least something good would grow from it. This touching message resonated with Dunbier and the fact that the sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine and was instrumental in setting the title of the work. This noble motif began to attract lots of well-known contributors to the industry. 

photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

Proceeds from Comics for Ukraine, net of production and marketing costs, will go to OpUSA’s refugee relief efforts. “OpUSA is grateful for the support of Mr. Dunbier and all the artists and writers involved in this project,” said the organization. and they added, “Operation USA is entirely privately funded, so projects such as Comics for Ukraine: Sunflower Seeds play a crucial role in building our capacity to supply vital relief where needed most. Proceeds from this project will directly impact the lives of those deeply affected by the ongoing war—improving conditions for Ukrainian refugees in Poland and other nearby countries by means of the provision of emergency grants and in-kind material aid. We thank all those involved in this meaningful project.”

The Authors who participated in the Book

The work will have several versions, including a hardcover version created by Alex Ross, a legendary cartoonist who left gems at marvel and DC, a lot of notably Kingdom Come (1996). There will also be a softcover version by Arthur Adams, another crucial author who won the Eisner award for best single Issue. The work will feature contributions from today’s leading writers and artists, including Joshua Dysart, Emil Ferris, Rob Guillory, Gabriel Rodriguez, Jill Thompson, Louise Simonson, and Chris Sprouse. A complete list of contributors, including designers, letterers, and colorists, can be found on the platform website.

In addition, lots of of the creators are contributing unpublished stories of their best-known characters, such as an American Flagg story by Chayki, a Groo the Wanderer adventure by Aragonés and Evanier, or a new Astro City story by Busiek and Anderson, among lots of others.

Here is some of the content to be found in Comics For Ukraine:

Hardrada Dave Gibbons (writer), Chris Sprouse (penciller), Kevin Nowlan (inker), Laura Martin (colorist).

Star Slammers Walter Simonson (writer/artist), Laura Martin (colorist), John Workman (cartoonist)

American Flagg (Howard Chaykin)

Chew John Layman (writer/letterer), Rob Gilroy (artist)

Untitled Louise Simonson (writer) June Brigman (artist)

Political cartoon – Pia Guerra

Editorial on Ukrainian cartoonists – Josh Dysart

It is certainly a very great initiative that will help minimize the effects of this devastating situation. If you want to be part of Comics for Ukraine, you can reserve your pre-order on the platform’s web site and do your bit. 

What about you? Which of these authors would you be a lot of ecstatic to see in this book? We’ll read you in the comments. 

Featured image Via: Comics For Ukraine

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