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Madame Xanadu Disenchanted

by Josh Crawley

Before I get to the evaluation (and other random bits), I’d like to draw your attention to a couple of people in the industry that are increasing funds for some terrific causes.

Referring to Marshall Dillon as a “fellow letterer” seems a bit daunting, but I’ve paid taxes for working on comics, so I’m going to get over it truly quick. My fellow letterer Dillon is going to walk 60 miles in three days for this year’s Susan G. Komen 3-Days for the Cure. So not only has he lettered a lot more than me, he’s willing to experience for a good cause, so he’s better than me, too. The link has lots of information for different methods to help out.

While I may not always be delighted with a few of the systems the industry has in place, our store’s diamond Comics supplier representative, Sophia Briscoe, is wonderful. She’s increasing money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. As before, inspect the link for a lot more information!

And yes, I’ll be making my donations shortly. On to the goods!

I had no idea who Madame Xanadu was before I checked out this book. I understood her name, but that was about it. A new Vertigo series written by Matt Wagner with gorgeous art by Amy Reeder Hadley was a lot more than enough to get me interested.

Sandman mystery Theatre

As with Wagner’s Sandman mystery Theatre, Madame Xanadu is a period series set at the dawning of the golden Age of DC’s superheroes. However, unlike Sandman mystery Theatre, the stories in Madame Xanadu are also pulled from previous eras. Disenchanted is an origin story made up of five chapters (two problems each), one each in a different period of history.

And if you’re a superhero fan who doesn’t like Vertigo books, I’d ask you to reconsider. other than appearances by the Phantom Stranger, Wagner includes references to many DC world characters.

Have I mentioned yet that this is a 200+ page graphic novel jam-packed full of terrific art that retails for $12.99?

Art? While not as widely known as Wagner, Hadley is no slouch in the skill department. Sadly, her book Fool’s Gold from Tokyopop appears to be out of print, but she’s published a plethora of art on her livejournal if you’d like to see a few of her work.

I notice I tend not to describe artists as well well – most likely because of my marginal composing skills – so I’m not even going to try; as well much. Crisp yet organic; like a tasty apple colored by person Major. (Sneaky how I worked that in, huh?) While Hadley inks herself on problems 1 and 2, Richard pal joins the creative team as inker with number 3, and the high quality of work stays high.

Letters for the series have been done by Jared K. Fletcher. He frequently utilizes asymmetrical word balloons, which adds some great range to the lettering on the stands, in addition to contributing to the organic and earthly tone of the book.

Interestingly enough, though, his lettering modifications on volume 2 (which we should have listed again soon enough). featuring art by Michael Wm. Kaluta and flashbacks to The Inquisition, Fletcher’s lettering looks much a lot more in the John Workman-school: circular speech balloons with much a lot more white space. The a lot more open lettering, together with Kaluta’s a lot more in-depth work (compared to the a lot more open work of Hadley), assists keep everything in balance. Kaluta’s style, together with the appearances of the Dian Belmont and Wesley Dodds – the golden Age Sandman! – and this makes a terrific buddy piece to the afore-mentioned Sandman mystery Theatre. If he could be lured away from BPRD books, I’d like to see person Davis do a guest arc on Madame Xanadu.

While there aren’t any a lot more collections arranged just yet, I’d be extremely surprised if they’re as well far off. Honestly, I liked this book so much I may have to begin buying it as single issues, and that’s something I tend to timid away from.

Yeah, it’s that good.

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Westfield Comics
7475 Mineral point Rd STE 22
Madison WI 53717
Josh Crawley is the tenured Master of disaster (whether he’s heroic or evil stays to be seen) for Westfield Comics, not to be confused with Josh Crawley, the keyboardist for Everclear.

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